Science and Sailing -- Built for Fun!
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Come Sail with us!
What do we do?
We offer free after school programs that combine sailing with science, using activities developed by US Sailing. Typical programs are two afternoons a week for four weeks plus a Saturday Session.
What is S.T.E.M.?
S.T.E.M. is a curriculum designed to educate students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. STEMsail seeks to reinforce these concepts utilizing sailing as a practical platform for learning with a special emphasis on sustainability and an awareness of our marine environment.
Why STEMsail?
We introduce you to the world of sailing – to get outside, to begin to understand and become curious about the world, to become self-reliant and at the same time to operate as a team – in essence, sailing develops character in so many ways. Learning is more effective when it’s fun.
Sign-Up for STEMsail's October 2024 session!
In October 2024 STEMsail will offer one week, after-school mini-sessions at the Nevin Community Center (Oct. 21, 22, 24, 25), the Shields-Reid Community Center, (Oct. 28, 29, 30, Nov. 1) and the Washington Elementary School (Oct. 15, 16, 17, 18).
Each week will consist of three days of experiments and building things, followed by a Friday sailing trip using boats and guides from the Richmond Yacht Club. You will experiment with simple machines, build a boat, hoist a sail, and of course steer the boat and trim sails on the water. The boats we use (J22, RS21) do not tip over. Your guide will be a RYC member. Lifejackets are provided. Fall 2024 sessions open to Washington students and Nevins and Shield-Reid Center participants, ages 8 and up.
If you have any questions, call Dave at 303-641-6223. Two forms need to be filled out and returned in order to register for our classes: