Science and Sailing -- Built for Fun!
Would you invest in this much needed educational opportunity for our local youth? In order to improve the lives of young people in our community by providing this free program, we need your financial support.
You can support our program with a tax-deductible donation to the Richmond Yacht Club Foundation. To do this, make your check payable to 'Richmond Yacht Club Foundation' and on the memo line, write 'FBO’ (meaning For the Benefit Of) the STEMsail Program.
The Foundation is run entirely by volunteers and does not charge any fee to administer the funds, so 100% of your donation goes to the program. The Foundation will provide a formal receipt for donations of $250.00 or more for the benefit of this program, but, in order to reduce administrative demands, for donations under $250.00, your canceled check will be your receipt.

In addition to accepting individual donations, we are seeking corporate funding through tax-deductible contributions and grants. These funds will be used to expand our operation to cover additional underserved areas of the San Francisco Bay Area.
Please send your tax-deductible donation to:
Richmond Yacht Club Foundation
351 Brickyard Cove Road
Point Richmond, CA 94801
Thank You, from all of the volunteers at STEMsail!